Monday, August 5, 2013

Virginia Lakes Trail and More



After every hike and drive we’ve done so far in the Eastern Sierra, we think it isn’t possible for the scenery to get any better. Then another day dawns, another drive, another trail, and more incredible places. We made a very good decision to come here. Plus no rain, no mud and no humidity.

Yesterday we drove a bit north of Lee Vining to the Virginia Lakes Trail, down a dirt road past a campground and rustic resort, to another set of high country lakes. The guide said the first 1.4 miles was easy, so we thought we would at least go that far and see how we felt.

We didn’t think it was all that easy, and after hiking above Blue Lake and Cooney Lake, then getting off on the wrong trail for a while, we finally came to the Frog Lakes, stopped for a bite to eat, and decided to head back. We ended up walking 3.8 miles, a good workout in another lovely area. Sure beats going to the gym.



An accidental shot.                                     A nice tree-o.

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Can’t remember which lake is which, not that it matters. We enjoyed looking at all of them. Gave us a good excuse to stop and catch our breath.





An old miner’s cabin.


The roof was covered with rocks.


Colorful wildflowers were blooming amongst the colorful rocks.


Today we took a drive south along the June Lake Loop for a short hike and to scope out some campgrounds. Oh! Ridge Campground had some okay sites, but they were very close together. One of the empty sites came with a deer.


We liked the views from Silver Lake Campground, and we could stay there if we have to, but we are still searching for another place to boondock after we leave Mono Lake. If anyone has a suggestion for a good spot between here and Mammoth Lake, shoot us an email. We promise not to divulge anyone’s secret place;)

We stopped at Gull Lake for a two mile loop hike.

Gull Lake Trail


The trail isn’t all that easy to follow as it goes through some private property and a campground, or more likely we missed some signs. We met a nice woman on the trail who has a cabin on the lake. Said she helped build the trail. Her dog, Tank, had some booties on his back feet to keep out the stickers. She said she has a hard time getting them on his front paws but they aren’t as problematic as the back.


We came across a large group of people jumping into the lake from a rope swing.


This is a ski resort in the winter.


Elaborate carved wood furniture by the marina, surrounding a fire pit.


I suppose one of these days we should do laundry and pick up some groceries, but we feel like we’re on vacation since there is so much to see and do around here. Guess there’s always tomorrow.


  1. Absolutely beautiful. Love everything about the Easter Sierras. June Lake loop is always a favorite drive. Sorry, don't have any secret boondocking ideas as we always stay closer to Bishop...and being the wimps we are, it's always been in a campground!! Further north along the Walker River there are places right on the river to pull over. Didn't see any signs saying no overnight. We thought we might try that next time.

  2. Do you feel my drool!!?? You are so right about the workout being much better than the gym.

    What a beautiful area to hike once again. So gla you are enjoying yourself. I love those carved chairs around the firepit.

  3. Beautiful. I've always hit the Eastern Sierras a bit earlier in the summer and experienced afternoon thunder storms. Sounds like this is a perfect time to be there.

    Metamorphosis Lisa

  4. Oh boy! Beautiful Sierras! We've been enjoying your adventures vicariously.... -twoscamps
