Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Not Much Going On Except Kittens


Between working and caring for kittens, things aren’t too exciting around here, but we have definitely not been bored. The kids went to their first vet visit yesterday, got their shots and worm treatment, and other than sleeping most of the evening seem no worse for wear. They are definitely growing, weigh just over a pound each, and the vet estimated they are at least 6 weeks old now.



There are two other couples working with us in activities, and this is our “week”, so Jim had to be the emcee at Margarita hour tonight. All that entails is making a few announcements in front of over 100 people, but he was pretty nervous about it. After taste testing a couple margaritas though, he got up there and did a great job. He even announced that we have two cats looking for a good home! There were no takers, though. At least so far this feels more like fun than work.

Jim finally ordered a new camera today after much research. I will wait until it arrives and he tests it out before revealing what we got. Until then we will keep taking kitten pictures with the cheapie Canon.

Jim built a scratching post around our table leg. Crazy little Elvis.


Playing with sister Sophie.


If anyone has hints about how to keep kittens from chewing on cords and everything else in the house, please, we need help!


  1. I don't know how you two get anything done. I would just sit there and watch those two babies. They are so precious!

  2. I used to wipe things down with a product called BITTER APPLE, one lick and they never went back.

  3. If you were here in Mesa, instead of in the Rio Grande Valley, we would come over and kitty sit for you. How precious!
