Our sweet little boondocking spot in Ouray, Colorado.
Our view, a huge improvement over the RV park in town.

The other night we had the pleasure of being invited to a small gathering at the home of Mark and Bobbie, from Box Canyon Blog. Also there was Boonie (Occupation of Independence), a full time RVer whom we met this spring in New Mexico, and John Q, who is camping up at Amphitheater and is a reader of Marks’ blog. Oh, can’t forget their friend and tenant Lenard, an interesting marathon runner, hiker and cyclist. It was a very pleasant evening and we really appreciate Mark and Bobbie’s hospitality.
By the way, they actually own two beautiful houses on a hill with wonderful views and within walking distance of the hot springs pool and downtown Ouray. Both properties are for sale, so if anyone is interested check out this link. We forgot the camera when we went to their house, so don’t have any pictures.
Yesterday Mark was kind enough to load us all up in his truck and take a drive on the Million Dollar Highway over Red Mountain Pass, then up an old mining road where we parked and hiked above tree line to a hidden lake tucked in the mountains. I really can’t describe the beauty of the area, but we took a zillion pictures. They don’t compare to the ones Mark has on his blog, though, so be sure to check it out. He is a great promoter of Ouray.
At the start, with Mark, Jim, Boonie, John, and Debbie. Somehow Jim managed to be up and ready at 7:30 so we could beat the afternoon thunderstorms.
The weather couldn’t have been more perfect, the company was great, and the scenery even better. This hike had it all.
Steam crossings. Once we got off the jeep road, there really wasn’t a trail.
Mark assured us there was a lake over there somewhere.
Numerous waterfalls.
Evidence of the mining days.
Even some snow to navigate. On the way back this is where Mark discovered he left his camera on a rock where we stopped for a snack. He, Jim, and John went back and yes, he found it. I’ve yet to see the video, but Mark caught Jim in a turtle position sliding down this slope.
We finally came to Bullion Lake. A hike doesn’t get much better than this.
Debbie testing the waters, and yes, it was cold.
Mark and Jim getting a bit close to the edge.
Thanks, Mark, for a day we’ll always remember.